100% Free Christian Matrimony Service
Trusted Christian Matrimony & Matchmaking Service.
Got questions or comments? No matter what it’s about, you can get in touch with the right FellowChrist people and they’ll be glad to help.
Fill out the form to send us a message or report something. Alternatively, you can send us an email to info@fellowchrist.com.
Some other ways to contact us
Chat or Talk to our team
You can talk or chat with our support team using skype or telegram anytime for any help.
Connect using social media
We present in all main social media platforms. Connect us with our social accouts.
Donate today so that FellowChrist can always be able to give free services.
If you like our ministry, then you can encourage us to continue this ministry. We are doing this as a non profit organization.
What free service provided in FellowChrist?.
We provide a bunch of free services for Christians, some of them are listed below.
Social Network
Social Network allows you to keep in touch with fellow believers, as well as get to know new people and make friends. You can share your thoughts, photos, videos with others.
Christian Song Book
Most popular section in fellowchrist website. In this section, we have tried to add song lyrics of all languages, you can use these song lyrics in your worship and share it with others.
Church Projection
A new feature that we have started, we have designed a system to project song lyrics, Bible verses etc. Which we can project through projector or TV screen during any worship.
Bible Verse Banner
Here you can make banners of your Bible verses, you can print it or share it on your social media platforms and on WhatsApp status so that the word of the Lord reache every people.
Christian Videos
Here we share christian videos which are either ours or taken from some other video platforms like youtube. And users can upload their own videos in this section.
Christian Audios
Here we share christian audios which are either ours or taken from some other audio/video platforms like youtube. And users can upload their own audio in this section.
This is a very important feature for Christians nowadays. Here our youth can create matrimonial profile for themselves and find the right life partner for themselves.
Prayer Network
Here we have tried to create a prayer network where those who need prayer can post their prayer request and they can pray for them after seeing their prayer request.